Our Tuesday “Sunday Drive”

There are some days that are beyond your normal mundane schedule.  It may seem  like any other average morning; you wake up and expect to go about your customary routine, only to sit back in the evening and glance at the chores left behind, and say to yourself, “Wow, that was purely a magnificent day.”

This is what happened to me yesterday.  Recently I was reminded how precious, and short, life can be.  It was my wake-up call that life is moving quickly.  It was another hint for me to count my blessings each day. I was prompted  to live each day fully; a gift not to be tossed to the side and forgotten. Instead of ignoring this gift, I needed to unwrap my package and use  it to the fullest.

On a most ordinary day, some few weeks ago, my cousin lost his life needlessly in a head on collision. Two of his children were in trauma conditions. They are stable now, but will face physical therapy for their bodies, and most likely have emotional scars for life.  This was a picture perfect family that has been ripped apart at the seams because one person had to get to his destination two minutes earlier, and tried unsuccessfully  to pass another vehicle when there was not enough room.  My cousin and his family paid the maximum  price.  He was in the prime of his life and taken too soon.

As heart wrenching this accident has been for the family, his wife, children and the entire community, I was shaken by the knowledge that our existence on this earth cannot be taken for granted. Yes, I will admit it…his death scared me of my own mortality.  We all know this deep inside, but when you face such tragedy, it startles the mind.  Like I said earlier, it is a wake-up call.

So yesterday when my husband suggested a Sunday drive on a Tuesday, I dismissed the laundry and vacuuming that needed to be done, and said yes to his offer.  Now, one thing you must know about this man is that he loves adventures.  He is the one person who  has single handedly taken me out of my comfort zone to try new things, and not be quite as timid as I used to be.  A sign that states, “Reservation Needed” simply means to him, “Come on in, the coffee is ready” whereas I, in a previous life would have asked for a reservation for another time and quietly walked away. Not my husband.  He has an astounding way of introducing himself to people, and within minutes make a new friend. I have learned not to question his venturous side, and I head out on whatever he has planned and let the day flow.  This has not always been easy, but it has been worth the ride.

As we started on our drive, I asked where we were heading. I should have known his answer, but I was still startled when he replied, “Have no idea. Let’s explore.” And because in the back of my mind I was now thinking of life in seconds instead of years, I climbed aboard, waiting to see what was ahead of us on this particular day.

I was not disappointed.  We moved to our new county a couple of years ago and still hadn’t seen all that it offered during this gorgeous season of winter, and especially with this year’s abundance of much needed snow.

We took a turn at every road that had a sign pointing to a town just a few miles off the main highway. Some of these towns consisted of a simple post office, and the rest looked like only the deer were left to guard the land. Even at that, the snow made the area simply picturesque.  I wondered where the people had gone, and why, and we both marveled at the wonder of nature and how blessed we are to be alive.

Then we came across a sign regarding a community we had never heard before which happened to be a short distance off the beaten path.  This is where I would never have traveled before, but naturally my husband said, “Oh let’s go see what this is about.”  I gave up being leery a long time ago, so I didn’t question his yearning to find some place totally out of our way.  What we discovered was a Hallmark photo of pure white snow with modern homes set far from the road with plenty of acreage between the next, making the scenery absolutely breath taking.  As he kept driving on freshly snow plowed roads, we came across a lake that was completely frozen.  We stopped for a moment to soak in the beauty, promising ourselves that we would return in the spring or summer.  For some reason, deep in my heart, I am not sure I want to visit this haven without the fresh snow; what if its appearance is no longer magical?  Naturally I will most likely take him up on his offer come the right moment, and I’ll be grateful that I did.  I haven’t regretted his desire to explore yet, and as my cousin unknowingly taught me, life is a remarkable present that can be snatched away without notice.

He was only in his Act 2. I’m not missing out on one more day in my Act 3.  My advice to people in all phases of life is to let my cousin’s passing be a gift to you also.  Wake up each morning and be thankful for one more day. Wake up for an adventure; a chance to explore your own inner beauty, your love for family and friends, and of course all of the beauty that nature is offering you. No matter what gift life has been given to you, open your package and ENJOY.

Much love

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